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Share your mission at the 2019 ARTFALL FESTIVAL an Arts, Music, and Cultural Benefit Event! We would love to have you participate at our veteran and community event Sunday, September 22, 2019.  Please sign-up to be a Community Resources Vendor if you are a local nonprofit or community organization; it’s free!

All business are welcome to sponsor, be a vendor, and attend our collaborative event.  Vendors types – All artists, artisans, musicians are welcome to be vendors and participate at our festival we only ask a small fee to reserve a space or table at the festival. Veterans vendor fees are waived! To sign-up as a vendor of any type please fill out this from https://forms.gle/YZsxmdCobBRa6sCu7

More information and links to sign-up are at http://artfallfestival.info

Please Support Our
2019 ARTFALL FESTIVALSunday, September 22, 2019Benefit event supporting veteran musicians, artists, and their community.Our Mission: Prevent veteran suicides through creative and expressive outlets!Our Cause is to Heal Our Heroes by Supporting Veteran Musicians and Artists and providing creative, expressive outlets for Veteran families and their communities!

2:00 PM to 10:00 PM
Luke-Greenway American Legion Post
364 North 7th Avenue
Phoenix, Arizona 85007

Main Event Details:
Admission: $ Donation; free for children
Free Parking!
Fun for the whole family!

Live music from headliner bands Tabu, Cactus Head, and 3Phase as well as our nonprofit house bands the Vets Jam Band and SMUDD.
Come to see an amazing array of local performers, exquisite works by local artists and artisans, readings from the UNSTRUNG and Blue Guitar Jr. Magazines, open mic time, Vendors inside and outside by local nonprofit and community organizations, as well as businesses. There will be activities for children of all ages, live painting, jewelry making, face painting and more!

The event is brought to you by a collaboration of the Creative Drill Sergeants, the Arizona Consortium for the Arts, the American Legion, and Kindness Revolution. Visit www.creativedrillsergeants.org/artfallfestival and www.artizona.org

About us:
The Arizona Consortium for the Arts (ACA) and Creative Drill Sergeants (CDS) are actively working on innovative solutions to the many problems our veterans can face after service. One of those problems is when veterans feel disconnected from their communities after arriving home. CDS and ACA are joining forces in a partnership to offer collaborative opportunities for veteran families to heal through art, music and cultural activities. Our nonprofit partnership strives to increase veteran participation, as individuals and families, in our Expressive Arts Programs and Events that include their communities.

This will be a collaborative benefit event to celebrate our partnership and acquire the funding needed to meld our missions as an inclusive effort to bridge gaps between veterans, the public, organizations, businesses, and others with a vested interest in the quality of life our veterans deserve. This effort can literally save lives. We believe that your support in attending and/or as a collaborative partner will increase our chances of successfully helping veterans heal!

The 2019 ARTFALL FESTIVAL will support our fundraising efforts. We will demonstrate how our collaboration can bring together communities to help heal our veterans. Our efforts to combine forces won’t reach their maximum effectiveness unless we have the backing of the entire community to support our veterans, their families, and their communities.

The  collaborative event is brought to you by ​AZ Consortium for the Arts, Creative Drill Sergeants, Full Moon Festival Kindness Revolution, Music 4 Veterans, American legion Post 1, Unique Security Systems, Counsel Mortgage Group Vet Credit Program, and Tabu Entertainment Group who are working together to bring the veterans and their communities together through Arts, Music, and Cultural activities.


TO DONATE PLEASE VISIT: https://creativedrillsergeants.wedid.it/

If interested in vending, please fill out the form at https://forms.gle/YZsxmdCobBRa6sCu7

Vendor Event Details:

Feel free to have an activity at your table/booth – if yes, please let us know what you are thinking about. To comply with rules for our event the activity needs to be arts/cultural/music/community service-related.
If interested in vending please fill out the attached commitment form and for more information, please EMAIL to Elena – info@artizona.org or Gina – gina.ruggiero@creativedrillsergeants.org


All resources are encouraged to attend and vend at this event. We want to make sure our veterans and their community can learn about the amazing community organizations and veteran nonprofits (At No Fee).
The festival will be inside and outside. The vendors will be able to set up outside in 10′ x 10′ space, outdoor covered tables and in select limited indoor spaces.

You = artists, artisans, businesses, groups and community organizations are invited to display/sell/promote. It is highly recommended to have a tent/canopy, tables, and chairs. Limited tables and chairs are available to vendors.  Please be prepared to bring your own.  Set up is at 12 pm.

Vendor Fees:
Fees and registration are to reserve spots in the festival. Free to veterans, community organizations, groups, and nonprofits
A $15 Fee is for artists and artisans!
$50 for Businesses

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